Asking for help

Being a creative is tough, being one in the South is tougher

Jael R. Bakari
2 min readDec 1, 2020

Edit: As of January of 2021 me and me family were able to start back on the road to stability. Now in May of 2021 me and my husband are fully employed and building steadily on our dreams because not even a bout of near homelessness was going to deter us from what we love to do.

Hey Y'all,

I know it's giving tuesday today and it's hard for me to ask for help but I'm doing it.

In 2019, Solomon Bakari and I chose to accept the creative callings on our lives after the loss of our home and my mother in a house fire put life into perspective for us. For him that meant pursuing music and for me that meant pursuing my writing . We knew were taking a risk, especially with three small children under 10 in tow. But we knew that creating music and writing were the reason we were put on this earth. So we invested every penny we had into delivering the best possible content we could and wish to continue doing so. But being a creative is not cheap and the pay starting out is very low. And this pandemic has thrown a further wrench in our endeavors as we lost our last source of income behind it. We spent our last penny on November 30th of this year and now our family of five is on the verge of homelessness. We've been able to secure housing through an amazing Atlanta-based social-enterprise North America Food & Farm PBC Inc affordable workforce housing program, but we are still in need of additional funds to help us cover the cost of moving as well as to continue funding our creative projects. We recognize your donations are an investment in us and our abilities and we greatly appreciate anything contributed to this campaign. Please visit the services section of this website so we can send you an appropriate thank you for your donation and view the links below to see our respective portfolios.

Thank you!

Bakari Family Fundraiser Website (includes service list)

Our Plumfund

We also accept direct gifting
Cashtag: $brittanyramsay or $kingsolomonsings

To view our portfolios please check:

Jael R. Bakari Official Website

​Bakari Family Official Website



Jael R. Bakari

hero maker by day, psychic clown witch by night. writer of literary crack. future poor white billionaire. your favorite —ist